How To Unlock the Power Within: The Art of Style Transformation

Our digital styling course is here!

Spring is the season for rebirth, growth and metamorphosis, and because of this, it feels like the perfect time to announce the launch of our first online course, “How To Find Your Style, Dress For Your Body Type And Transform Your Look“!

As a personal stylist, I have been working with women for over a decade (hard to believe!). It has often been suggested to me that I should write a book, because I could reach so many more women that way, helping build the confidence and develop the personal style aesthetic of those who, for various reasons, are not able to work with me in person. After thinking about it long and hard, and seeking advice from those who have written books themselves, talking with friends and clients about what they felt would be the most useful, I decided that rather than a book, I would create an interactive virtual course, one that takes place online, but feels like I am in the room with you taking you through each step of the process.

Months and months have been spent going back through all my books, courses at F.I.T. (Fashion Institute of Technology - whose graduates include Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, and so many others), reference materials, lots and lots of client feedback, and my own knowledge gained through the years- what I know works and what doesn’t, how this process makes a women feel and how it changes her, in order to develop this extensive course. I am so proud of the product we are putting out into the world. Every minute of the work was worth it.

This course mirrors exactly how I work with clients one-on-one, but goes even more deeply into each step to really reinforce each lesson. Even if you have worked with me in the past, we probably did not get to take the process all the way through, so the course could benefit you as well.

You can work through the course at your own pace, anytime, anywhere, no appointment necessary. It can take you six weeks, or half that time, it is all up to you. You can go back and go through the early lessons again as often as you need to. By the time you finish this course, there is no doubt in my mind that your personal style will have reached a new level, not to mention your self confidence!

I will still be there virtually to take you through each step, giving you all you need to gather the pieces of your puzzle, that when we finally put together, will give you a direct path to a complete style renaissance.

I think the point at which my chosen career went from “job” to “mission”, was as I watched client after client and the profound effect the right piece of clothing had on their psyche. They literally went from feeling tired and dejected (“I’m a hopeless case”….) to suddenly full of confidence, happiness and lightheartedness-  there is a moment when the light switch flips, an instant change in personality and attitude when we are looking together in a mirror, a softness comes to her face and I can see her saying  to herself, “I remember you”. It always brings tears to my eyes. How easy it is to forget who we are in the busyness of life, much of which is spent taking care of others.

What I know now is that getting dressed, the act of it is difficult, until it isn’t.

Building a wardrobe is not just about bringing in clothes that fit, that are flattering on you, and work within your budget, it’s about where you will GO in those clothes. As your confidence grows, you feel stronger, ready to take more risks, set bigger goals and go after what you want out of this one precious life we are given.

Can you think of a time when you felt like a million bucks? I bet you can. What were you wearing, what was the occasion?

That’s the transformative, remarkable power of Style.

Books have been written about this, do you remember “The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants?” The book was about four friends and the experiences each had while wearing the same pair of jeans that magically fit each girl, even though they all had different figure shapes.

The journalist Amanda Benchley co-authored a book with Bridget Moynahan (model and actress) entitled “Our Shoes, Our Selves: 40 Women, 40 Stories, 40 Pairs of Shoes.” It wasn’t about the women’s collections of shoes, but rather reveals the remarkable journeys that women like Bobbi Brown, Misty Copeland and more have had while wearing their shoes, the steps these inspiring women have taken, with the purpose of encouraging other women to dream big.

What about Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her legendary collars, as discussed in “The Collars of RBG: A Portrait of Justice”, about how she skillfully sent messages through the different collars she wore.
Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright wrote  “Read My Pins: Stories of A Diplomat’s Jewel Box”. It is a story and celebration of how she used her jewelry collection to make diplomatic history. Elyce Arons, founder of Kate Spade and Frances Valentine, told us that when she is faced with difficult times, wearing color always helps her get through it. These are just a few examples of the often overlooked power of clothing, and the effect it can have on you, and also on those interacting with you.

We discuss terms like Visual Harmony, Visual Noise, I will explain to you the science behind getting dressed, along with giving you the specific steps, tools, and resources to take you from where you are now to where you want to be-how to create the most authentic visual representation of yourself. On the other end of the spectrum, we all know how we feel physically and mentally when we are not happy with what we’re wearing.

If you are feeling stuck, if you are overwhelmed, underwhelmed and exhausted from trying to figure out what to wear, if you are tired of repeatedly spending money on items you never wear, if you hate to shop, or if you have a life change, want to get a promotion at work, want to stand apart from the crowd for all the right reasons, or simply are ready to figure out how to dress for your body type and create a style aesthetic unique to you, this one’s for you.

At first glance, you may wonder about the pricing of this course. In my mind, the cost is worth it for all the months and months of work I put into it alone, the access to all the years of experience and knowledge gained, proven techniques, style hacks, resources and tools I have shared in this piece of work. Going through this process in person, one-on-one with a client, would cost TWICE as much or MORE, depending on how extensive your wardrobe is, and how much time we need to shop for the items necessary to create an updated, well edited closet. The process would also be spread out over a much larger amount of time.

**The first 30 people who sign up for the course will get to book a 30 minute one-on-one Zoom with NYC Stylist Alison Bruhn to review your findings, answer any questions, etc.!

If you have any questions before you enroll, book a call with our team here.

Learn more & enroll in the course here!


or to participate.