Calling all Female Execs!

Our Executive content series is here

Hi friend!

How is life going? 

I’m thinking you’re probably facing lots of challenges, having such a high-stress career and trying to figure out how to dress for it too, who has the time?

It’s all so confusing, adjusting to the “new normal” when there really isn't one. 

I think everyone is stumped at this point- for years it was obvious what “business attire” meant, but not any more. 

We started working from home and got used to being seriously comfy, but now it feels weird and unproductive to be super casually dressed at work, at least to me.

Do you feel that way? 

I think we can agree it’s certainly not a power look! 

I was wondering, do you even have the time to think about what dressing like an “executive” looks like? There’s a good possibility your answer is no. I hear it a lot. 

“Right now I feel like my closet is a mix of things from 2018, to loungewear, to suits I wore before lockdown, but I don’t have any idea what to shop for because there are no guidelines anymore! It’s the wild west!”- this was from one of my executive styling clients.

I hear you. It’s stressful because it’s really important to send the right messages, using your clothes and appearance to get respect, show you’re a leader in your field, and all that, and it’s easy to unintentionally sabotage yourself by what you’re wearing. That’s scary!

So you play it safe, and…..completely disappear in a sea of mediocrity.

As I said earlier, don’t worry, you’re definitely not alone. I’ve heard this over and over again. That’s exactly why I decided to create a roadmap series for navigating your incredibly busy life right now.

 There are five emails (short and to the point), where we'll dive into-

  • How you can realistically make time for self-care

  • Steps for building a polished wardrobe that works for you, rather than against you

  • Advice about how to create a “commanding presence” through what you wear; it’s time to show the world you mean business! Right?

I mean, how can you act self assured, feel worthy of “being at the table” and confident, when you’re completely unsure and insecure about what you’re wearing when you’re tackling high-stakes, serious business?! 

It’s simply not possible to feel invincible and insecure at the same time.

So, if you're ready to step it up, you can lean on me.

Let me clear things up for you, I’ve got some advice for how to navigate your busy life and I’ll answer lots of style questions and demystify things like “executive dressing” (give you the true meaning behind “Business Casual”  and “Business Professional” and what that looks like today). 

If you’re ready, just answer yes in the survey below. I'll send the first email in the series tomorrow, so keep an eye out for that in your inbox!

It's time to invest in yourself and your success.

Let's do this together,


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P.S. I know your time is precious. Each email in the series is designed to be concise, actionable, and packed with value. I promise this is one investment in yourself you won't regret!


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